Alliance of Evil: The Hamas-ISIS-Abu Sayyaf Connection


The Philippine media is awfully silent about what’s going on in the Middle East. Perhaps they think the ongoing crisis in that region won’t affect us. If that’s what they think, they’re dangerously, stupidly wrong!

If there’s one thing I admire about the revolutionary Muhammedans (others use the terms Mujahideen, Jihadists and Islamists), its their patience, determination and their ability to make– and achieve their– long-term goals. These Islamists believe they are continuously engaged in a holy war or struggle against kafir or infidels, and they clearly understand they have all the time in the world to make sure that their ultimate goal– or divine duty– is achieved.

Let me clarify that when I speak of ‘revolutionary Muhammedans I only pertain to ‘good Muslims’– that is, the Jihadists, Mujahideen and Islamists, because I realize that there are thousands or even millions of non-practicing Muslims just as there are also millions of non-practicing Christians (NPCs).

Now let us try to simplify the nexus between the Islamists in the Middle East (e.g., ISIS, Hamas, Al Qaeda, etc.) and the Filipino Islamists (e.g., the MILF, MNLF, Abu Sayyaf and BIFF). The transnational Islamists and the local Islamists share one particular identifying characteristic that sets them apart from other Islamists (e.g., Iran, Hezbollah, etc.). They are Sunni Muslims, while Iran, Hezbollah and their allies are Shia Muslims or Shiites.

Some of you might ask– Why are Muslims killing each other in the Middle East? The answer is, because one Islamic group believes it’s the true representative of Islam, while the other group also has the same claim. However, both groups believe there can only be one representative of Islam on earth. This Sunni-Shia conflict is as old as Islam, as bloody sectarian schism that led to a series of wars emerged right after the death of their prophet.

Another important thing we need to understand is that ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or the Levant) emerged a decade after the fall of Sadam Hussein in 2003 and two years after Arab Spring in 2011.

The dissolution of Saddam’s Sunni dictatorship gave the Shia majority in Iraq the opportunity to establish their own Shia regime with the help of the United States and Iran. In short, it was the United States that completed Iran’s dream of building a next-door ally in the region to counter the influence of the Sunni Gulf monarchies (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman).

However, Saddam’s ouster and the resulting rise of Shiism in Iraq did not sit well with the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) nations, particularly Saudi Arabia and Qatar that have been funding ISIS. The Sunni theocracies cannot allow Iraq’s Shia regime to form an alliance with Iran or to be under Tehran’s influence. ISIS’s mission is to take over Iraq and to topple the Assad regime in Syria that is being supported by Iran. Hamas, on the other hand, supports the rebels in Syria, and this is the reason Iran cut its funding for Hamas.

So, to simplify this seemingly complicated web of conflicts and alliances in the Middle East, we only need to understand the basics, which are as follows:

  • There is an ongoing Sunni-Shia sectarian conflict in the Middle East. This conflict also affects minority groups (e.g., Christians, Yazidis, Jews, atheists, etc.)
  • The Sunni camp comprise the GCC nations or Arab monarchies, while the Shia camp is represented by Iran and Iraq, which was formerly a Sunni dictatorship under Saddam Hussein.
  • ISIS gets money and support from the Sunni Arab monarchies (e.g., Saudi Arabia and Qatar), while Iran supports the Assad regime in Syria and Iraq.
  • Although Hamas and ISIS do not have direct cooperative ties, they share many of the same goals, such as the establishment of a caliphate that follows Shari’a law).
  • Hamas backs the Syrian rebels who have been fighting President Bashar Assad, and this prompted Iran, which supports Assad, to cut up to £15 million a month in funding for Hamas as punishment for supporting the uprising in Syria. On the other hand, ISIS has also been embroiled in the Syrian civil war against Assad.

ISIS has been been taking a systematic approach in its campaign. In fact, ISIS outlined six specific steps it needed to be fulfilled before marching toward Israel. In other words, ISIS’s final destination is Israel.

ISIS monsters have already arrived in the Gaza Strip. The terror group announced via Twitter one of its fighters was killed by Israel.
ISIS monsters have already arrived in the Gaza Strip. The terror group announced via Twitter one of its fighters was killed by Israel.

Some of these steps, according to a spokesperson for the group, Nidal Nuseiri, include establishing a strong base for an Islamic state in Iraq, and using it as a springboard to take Syria and Lebanon, which have already been achieved.

What is clear is that the clashing Islamic groups are fighting for power, regional domination and self-preservation. Yet despite their conflicting sectarian beliefs and political ideologies, they all have the same objective– the total destruction of Jews and Israel and the establishment of a global caliphate.

On the other hand, the local Islamists in the Philippines are also doing their Islamic duty in a kafir state. Just recently Abu Sayyaf pledged allegiance to ISIS, which, I repeat, is a strong ally of Hamas. All these groups have one ultimate goal: global Islamization.

The oath made by senior Abu Sayyaf leader Isnilon Hapilon (watch YouTube video above) is as clear as the wordings in the Hamas charter that calls for the annihilation of the Jews and Israel.

“We pledge bay’ah to Caliph Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Ibrahim Awwad Al-Qurashi Al-Husseini for loyalty and obedience in adversity and comfort.

“We pledge to obey him on anything which our hearts desire or not and to value him more than anyone else. We will not take any emir other than him unless we see in him any obvious act of disbelief that could be questioned by Allah in the hereafter.”

Their fight is not about land (e.g., Israel, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Mindanao, etc.); it’s all about religion. Land is just a necessary means, literally and figuratively, to achieve their religious goal.

So, don’t be surprised if Muslims continuously ignore the plight of minority Christians and Yazidis who are being massacred by ISIS in Iraq and that all they can do is whine about the ongoing Hamas-Israeli conflict. Perhaps their deafening silence means they’re part of the Hamas-ISIS conspiracy. This is why we should never sympathize with the Gazans who elected their own Hamas dictatorship that is determined to use human shields, terror campaigns and propaganda to fool the world’s useful idiots.

All we need to understand is as follows: There is no genocide in Gaza, but there is genocide in Iraq perpetrated by Hamas’s ally ISIS— and, most importantly, we’re next.


  1. Quite informative and sad tungkol sa Islamic terrorists! Sana their sympathizers will awaken to the irrationality of it all. Have you seen what Nestor Santonil has been posting sa Tanggulang Demokrasya in response to the blog ni Lee Consunji?

    Nga pala, ito ang biro ni Robin Williams (the deceased American comedian) tungkol sa “jihad” and “seventy-two virgins”:

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